Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Jos & Las Meninas

"Las Meninas (Spanish for The Maids of Honour) is a 1656 painting by Diego Velázquez (1599–1660), the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age, in the Museo del Prado in Madrid. The work's complex and enigmatic composition raises questions about reality and illusion, and creates an uncertain relationship between the viewer and the figures depicted. Because of these complexities, Las Meninas has been one of the most widely analysed works in Western painting.

Las Meninas shows a large room in the Madrid palace of King Philip IV of Spain, and presents several figures, most identifiable from the Spanish court, captured, according to some commentators, in a particular moment as if in a snapshot. Some figures look out of the canvas towards the viewer, while others interact among themselves. The young Infanta Margarita is surrounded by her entourage of maids of honour, chaperone, bodyguard, two dwarfs and a dog. Just behind them, Velázquez portrays himself working at a large canvas. Velázquez looks outwards, beyond the pictorial space to where a viewer of the painting would stand A mirror hangs in the background and reflects the upper bodies of the king and queen. The royal couple appear to be placed outside the picture space in a position similar to that of the viewer, although some scholars have speculated that their image is a reflection from the painting Velázquez is shown working on."

Hierboven staat dus dat de koning en koningin aafgebeeld staat in de reflective van een Spiegel. Groot gelijk maar wat ik na recentelijke onderzoek heb ontdekt, en dit bevestigde mijn vermoeden, is dat ons eigen Jos Geysen ook afgebeeld staat op de spiegel! (Zie de uitvergrooting rechtsboven) Waarom dit al deze jaren werd achterhouden is me een waar raadsel, maar ik denk omdat Jos nu eenmaal niet zo bekend is in het buitenland.

Foto & Tekst: De Jan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who wrote this article?